Skin aging is a process that involves changes in skin structure resulting in dryness, wrinkles, skin atony and loss of flexibility. The skin becomes pale, rough, dull. Furthermore, some pigmented lesions (chromatosis, discoloration), senile angiomas, ruby points and seborrhoeic warts may also occur. The aging process of the skin is complex and results from a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
The main factor accelerating the aging process is exposure to the sun’s rays (photoaging). It occurs more often in people spending most of their time outdoors and living in a tropical climate. Recently, special attention has been also paid to the role of artificial UV light (tanning beds). In those people who often use them, the aging process is much faster. Other extrinsic factors in skin aging include nicotine, some chemicals and adverse environmental conditions (air conditioning, dry and hot air).
In our practice, we offer the following treatments:
- Botulinum toxin injections
- Filler injections for wrinkles and deep furrows
- Chemical peels
- Mesotherapy
Special attention should be paid to relatively new fractional lasers. The method involves creating overheated microscopic columns in the treated skin. The pintpoint island injuries in the skin are surrounded by healthy tissue, which allow for faster recover. This method has been recognized as considerably safer than the traditional photorejuvenation.
The physiology of skin aging is a complex process. The changes relate mainly to the epidermis and dermis and, to a lesser extent, subcutaneous tissue (the hypodermis).Aging changes in skin affect many people both emotionally and physically which results in pursuit of methods that would make them look younger.
The advancement of cosmetic and medical techniques is a result of seeking ways to delay and inhibit this process. Over the past several years there has been particular progress on those methods that respond to the demand for attractive and youthful appearance in order to prevent disconnection from everyday life. The pace of life and carrer often do not allow for long-term recovery after surgery.