VASCULAR LESION TREATMENTSLaser removal of vascular lesions                    

Laser removal of vascular lesions (telangiectasia, spider nevi) is one of the most common procedures in aesthetic medicine. It becomes more and more common since it is highly effective and carries a minimal risk to health.

Laser therapy in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology works on the principle of selective thermolysis. Laser energy is absorbed by hemoglobin located in the irradiated vessel. Heat is transferred to the vessel wall, which causes sudden blood vessel constriction. Immediately after the laser vein removal procedure, the treated vessel becomes invisible.

In our practice, we use the KTP laser with a wavelength of 532 nm. The laser causes small blood vessel constriction on the face, neck, neck and other parts of the body. Depending upon the size of the vascular lesion, usually one to several treatments are necessary to achieve the best results. Treatments should be scheduled  2 weeks to 1 month apart. Even in case of larger vascular lesion, results are usually evident after the first treatment. Following the procedure, the skin often turns red and becomes slightly swollen. However, the treated  skin recovers after a few to several hours.

Individual approach to every laser treatment and a prior test  are necessary as there are different responds to laser radiation. In our practice, all laser tests and consultations are free of charge.


naczynka na twarzy

usuwanie pajączków, teleangiektazji

laserowe usuwanie naczynek, teleangiektazje, pajączki